I'm a bit of an astronomy buff. With some of the success I've had in my online business, I've been debating buying this -- the Celestron CGEM 1100 - 11” Schmidt Cassegrain on CGEM Equatorial Mount. It's $3,000.00.
Now if I bought that, I'd also need a 12 v battery pack to run it. $100. And 3-4 1.25" eyepieces. Call it $100 each.
So in normal times I would have sent Celestron around $3500, or $4,000 if they collect sales tax.
This is one of the purchases I am putting off indefinitely. Obama has scared me with his radicalism. With his endless babbling about health care and cap and trade schemes in the midst of a terrible recession.
A big reason why things are getting markedly worse is that people are not spending money. Obama is contributing to fear and panic by not focusing like a laser on the banking and financial crisis.
And guys like me with money in the bank are delaying major purchases. I have seen the future by watching Obama in action and it ain't looking bright any time soon.
No, you need to buy it now. You must have this telescope. Oh yes, it will be yours.